Protection From Your Thoughts

Protection From Your Thoughts

Our thoughts are energy. As we know energy can never be destroyed and is  powerful.  Our thoughts are the energy that we generate the most.  In fact, the average human has over 50,000 thoughts per day.  When those thoughts are negative, they send out one energy signature and that is something that can hinder you in a variety of ways.  

Our thoughts, as a form of psychic energy, can become established, meaning that it’s the way we think all the time.  Over time this becomes crystalized.  Think of a crystal.  This means solid and hard to destroy.  When this is negative it starts to break down the Psycho-Physical unit that we call our body.  Psycho-Psychical means simply that the mind rules the body and they are interacting all the time.  

When a person is in a rut, something has to change to get them out of it.  We all know people who are in a negative rut. They've hit a blockage. Spiritually,  people try to do a road opener which can definitely change the energy of things outside but they need to take steps to change things on the inside of them. to break any pattern it is necessary to “ Shake It Up “.  

Remember not all patterns are ones that you want to get rid of but the negative ones you do sometimes people are incredibly positive but things happen in their lives and they allow the energy of past experiences drive them down. and this is perfectly normal.

 On a psychic level, when mental patterns have been active for a long period of time, there is almost a psychic wall that surrounds the person, through which, no new positive experiences can penetrate. Think about that your thoughts can become a psychic wall blocking you from the very things that you want. 

Here are some things that you may want to try if you feel that you are in a rut:

  • Psychic breath energy -  whenever you feel old patterns closing in on you, go outside for a few moments and take a few deep breaths. as you do feel that there is a psychic renewing energy in the air that you are breathing in. in turn think that the patterns in your mind are dissolving and you are creating new ones.

  • Burn Incense -  burn incense heavily in your house for a few days. The psychic property and incense tends to dissolve psychic thought forms that are lingering in the psychic atmosphere. These thought forms are associated with past thought patterns and are constantly influencing the energy field around you.

  • White Auric Protection  -  many of the people with whom you come in contact may have an influence on you that is connected with old, negative patterns. while in their presence, always remember to mentally imagine and project a white protective Aura of light around your body. 

  • Invocation to the God-Mind Within  -  metaphysical science teaches that when you call forth to God you direct your call to within your body. the presence of God is at the center of your mind, like the Hub of a wheel. around the Hub are other sections of your mind including your own subconscious mind which stores your mental patterns.   you can simply call to the god of the universe that healing energies radiate new and positive thought patterns into your subconscious mind. then give thanks. 

You may also choose to change some of your activities. here are a few ideas for you to integrate into your life:

► SHOP at a different time or place than you normally do. 

► CHANGE OR ADD something new and exciting to your diet. 

► EXERCISE PHYSICALLY or try new exercises. 

► DO SOMETHING you have been putting off.

Remember, anything that has been can be changed. you have the power of God within you to make your life new. expect positive new changes in your life and exercise patience.  you are seeking to change, in many cases years of negative thoughts and psychic energy. Being patient builds psycho spiritual energy that makes positive things happen!


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