OshunsLight's Boutique
Reiki Infused 8mm Rose Quartz Bracelet
Reiki Infused 8mm Rose Quartz Bracelet
The Rose Quartz stone is strongly attached to both the heart chakra and the throat chakra. But it’s not a stone that simply rests in romance. Rose Quartz speaks softly to all kinds of love.
If your heart chakra feels blocked you may experience the signs of unhealthy behavior when it comes to relationships. Maybe you will lean more towards co-dependence, be quick to jealousy, have little trust in yourself or others, and often feel unwilling or unworthy enough to give yourself to the grace of love. One of the most stunning Rose Quartz healing properties is its ability to crack open the heart and put you back in alignment so you feel connected, comforted, and open to all the possibilities.
If you want to attract an abundance of love, joy, and the grace of gentle-natured self-healing then keep Rose Quartz connected with your skin by wearing it in the form of gemstone jewelry